How Does Our FREE REALTOR® MLS Property Listing Program Work?

Copyright © 2014- 2024  AUTHOR: Paul R. Marino, REALTOR® since 1988, e-Pro®


The average seller listing their home with Landfall Properties, LLC collects an additional $20,138+/- on closing day. This is a hard, provable number, assuming a hypothetical sale price of $500,000. Put this equity in the bank, or put it towards your next purchase. Landfall Properties, LLC will provide you with a FREE active listing in the REALTOR® owned Multiple Listing Service (MLS) in your state.


For Connecticut (CT) sellers, that means entry into the SmartMLS® system. In Massachusetts (MA), its the MLSPIN® database. New Hampshire (NH) and Vermont (VT) home sellers are entered into the PRIMEMLS® system. Maine (ME) listing sellers are entered into the Maine Listings FLEXMLS® broker owned database. The Flat Fee MLS New England program we offer (available in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, and Vermont), is radically different, but more important, radically superior to anything on the market. Why? Because, we understand what you want, and we deliver it to you for FREE.



Just a hunch, but we think you probably want to sell your home and not shell out a typical 6% sales commission to do it. That desire has been around as long as there have been real estate brokers. Nothing new there, but what is new, are the FREE tools we offer to successfully bring you to the closing table.



On closing day, when you're sitting at the table across from your buyers, a smile will come to your face when you realize you'll be taking home an additional $20,138+/- (typical for a $500,000 property). FACT: A full 97% of our seller clients successfully sell their home using our listing services.





Right about now, you might be asking yourself: "If your business model is Flat FEE MLS, I don't understand how you can call it FREE...explain?"


In all transactions, there is a SELLER, and a BUYER. As a SELLER, you are LISTING your property. As a BUYER, you sometimes engage the services of a buyer agent to represent you. However, not all transactions involve a buyer agent. There are three scenarios you will be faced with.






SCENARIO #1 (A buyer contacts you directly, and purchases your property WITHOUT the assistance of a buyer agent). This is distinctly possible, since your listing is seen across the Internet on HUNDREDS of websites. In this case, your total sale cost is $0, or 0%. You will pay NOTHING to sell your home (100% FREE). You will pay NOTHING to Landfall Properties, LLC, and you will pay NOTHING to a buyer agent, since one does not exist. You just saved yourself $27,500 (assuming a typical 5.5% full service commission on a hypothetical $500,000 sale).



SCENARIO #2 (A buyer agent contacts you directly, explaining they are representing a buyer). In this scenario, you will pay a 2.0% commission payout on closing day to the buyer brokerage. HOWEVER, if you wisely elect to allow Landfall Properties, LLC to serve as your buyer agent in any follow-on purchase (in any New England state) you will pay NOTHING to Landfall Properties, LLC on the LIST SIDE of your current sale (100% FREE). Your TOTAL sale cost is just 2.0% of $500,000, or $10,000. You just saved yourself $17,500 compared to what a typical 5.5% brokerage would charge. You will pay NOTHING to Landfall Properties, LLC, and a mere 2.0% to the buyer agent. Landfall Properties, LLC can get you an inside tour of ANY PROPERTY IN NEW ENGLAND you might be interested in buying. There are no restrictions. Simply text us (603) 781 - 4811 the address or MLS number, and we will make the appointment happen. This is one stop shopping. Work with the same broker (Paul R. Marino) handling your current home sale as you do on your new purchase. Why would you use us as a buyer agent for your follow on purchase?  Apart from being provided with over the top service, you'll be handed a check on closing day for a full 25% of the buyer broker commission on your new purchase. That's $3,125 assuming a $500,000 purchase price and 2.5% buyer brokerage payout. All all for doing nothing.



SCENARIO #3 (A buyer agent contacts you directly, explaining they are representing a buyer). Let's assume you have no follow-on transaction, as you possibly already own a 2nd home. Your TOTAL sale cost is just 2.5% of $500,000, or $12,500. You just saved yourself $15,000, assuming a typical 5.5% brokerage commission. You will pay a mere one-half of one percent (0.5%) to Landfall Properties, LLC, and 2.0% to the buyer brokerage, all on closing day; nothing upfront.



Cancel anytime for any reason. The only exception to the no strings cancel policy is if your property is already under agreement, or a buyer agent or buyer announces intent to put forth an offer. For obvious reasons, the listing agreement can not be cancelled if a buyer has already been located as a result of listing services provided by Landfall Properties, LLC.


Provided you are correctly priced, feel confident you will successfully place your home under agreement. Want proof this works? From the home page, scroll through the mountain of testimonials. Once you're under agreement, Landfall Properties, LLC will carry you through to the closing table, no matter how long it takes after you've gone under contract. Our service will unequivocally save you five-figure money on your home sale. Home sellers using our service quickly conclude Landfall Properties, LLC is the most transparent brokerage they've ever worked with. Want to speak live right now with a broker licensed in your state (CT, MA, ME, NH, or VT), to quickly see if this service is a match for your needs? Call Toll Free: 844-373-3657, Option #1.


No other New England discount realtor, flat fee mls listing broker, or mls by owner website can match what we offer. As part of your due diligence in selecting a New England flat fee mls broker, ask them if they will put your property in the REALTOR® MLS, and across hundreds of websites for free. You'll likely hear crickets. Then, ask them if they can simultaneously list it for free and get your property seen within 24 hours on hundreds of websites. More silence.




We believe a New England home seller should have full flexibility as it relates to their selling options. By this we mean, you can continue to market your home using whatever for sale by owner, fsbo methods you're currently using. You are totally unrestricted. At the same time, and at virtually no cost, we provide a "backstop" in case your for sale by owner, fsbo efforts are not yielding the results you'd like. That backstop is a FREE listing in the only New England property listing database that matters - the REALTOR® owned Multiple Listing Service (MLS).


The REALTOR® owned Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is the real deal, the exact same database all New England licensed agents and brokers use to post their property listings. As a real estate consumer, you do not have access to this database. It is closely guarded. Sure, you may have access to the public facing side of the database (allowing you to see listings), but you unequivocally can not enter your property without the assistance of a licensed New England salesperson or broker. And if you’re not in the REALTOR® owned Multiple Listing Service (MLS) database, the chances of selling your home are remote. 




Simply clicking here will have your listing in the REALTOR® owned MLS within 24 hours of receiving your photos and data. There are strict requirements for allowing someone to enter a property into the REALTOR® owned MLS database. For starters, you must be a New England state licensed salesperson or real estate broker, a member of REALTOR®, and a member of the state specific REALTOR® owned MLS in order to advertise your home. That's where we come in. We've been brokering properties for more than three decades. Equally important, we have an impeccable record of integrity. We're a licensed broker across five states (Vermont, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire).


Over the course of the past 35 years, neither Landfall Properties, LLC, or it's principal broker has ever been the subject of a lawsuit, ethics violation, or complaint with any of the five state real estate commissions were are licensed with. Zero. It's a record we're exceptionally proud of. We strongly encourage New England Flat Fee MLS home sellers to Google our firm and it's principal broker (Paul R. Marino).


Before we continue, never forget that nothing is precluding you from continuing to locate a buyer on your own, and paying absolutely zero to any broker party. This is why you will never sign an Exclusive Right To Sell Listing Agreement when working with us. You will be offered an agreement that stipulates you have the express right to sell your property to any buyer you locate on your own, and pay zero. Ask most traditional New Hampshire real estate brokers if they do this. Not likely. But what if your for sale by owner, fsbo methods have stalled? You're tried all the for sale by owner New England websites, all the fsbo mls New England websites, and nothing is happening?




Because the source database for all these different websites (including Zillow), is the state specific REALTOR® owned MLS. How do you think Zillow is posting all that housing inventory? They're simply vacuuming up all the house data from the state specific REALTOR® owned MLS. So, you might be thinking you can get the same exposure we offer, just by getting a free property listing on Zillow. Wrong. You should know that when listed on the Zillow site, your home is exposed on one single site on the Internet (actually two, since Zillow owns Trulia, and Zillow replicates your home data and photos out to Trulia as well).


Here's an important observation: Why is it that of all the homes listed on Zillow, 96%+/- (fact) are also listed with a real estate brokerage? You can see this for yourself by going to Zillow and filtering your search so that it only displays For Sale By Owner, fsbo properties. Now remove the filter and conduct the search. The numbers are nearly identical, meaning only 4%+/- are "go it alone" For Sale By Owner, fsbo sellers.


Why is this percentage so small? It's because real estate brokerages get results (i.e. a sold property), not because sellers have a particular affinity for real estate brokers. I'm not just saying real estate brokerages get results just to "puff up" brokers. It's the market that has made this determination. If a phenomenon (i.e. 96% of successful home sellers are listed with a brokerage) is taking place in the market, and continues to take place, it is only because market forces have demonstrated that this is the most efficient way to sell real estate.  Don't try to push water uphill. It doesn't work.


We often see the following verbiage attached to a New England for sale by owner, fsbo, Zillow or Trulia listing: "We will compensate buyer brokers 2%". Your offer is falling on deaf ears. Why? Because it is buyers that are using Zillow to look for properties, not agents and brokers. Agents and brokers are using the REALTOR® owned Multiple Listing Service (MLS). Even if an agent or broker does see your offer, in the back of their mind the broker is thinking: "How am I going to ensure I actually get paid a commission on this transaction, and won't be cut out of the deal? By working with another REALTOR® owned MLS broker (i.e. Landfall Properties, LLC), at least I know my commission payment is guaranteed. With a home seller that I have no listing contract with, I don't really know whether I'll be paid or not". 




When listed with Landfall Properties, LLC, your home will be seen on HUNDREDS of sites, not just one or two. Logic dictates that if your home data and photos are exposed across a much broader spectrum, it only makes sense that the chances of you being seen are far greater. It's that simple. You can easily see how the type of exposure we offer is dramatically superior to so called competitors, catering to New Hampshire for sale by owner home sellers, or fsbo home sellers.


We will ensure your property data and photos are immediately (within 24+/- hours) distributed over the Internet, not just to the REALTOR® owned MLS, but to a massive array of property search websites (see the scrolling list of sites on our home page just below the FAQ's). Your New England property data and photos are distributed to 90+/- property search web sites for which we have a syndication agreement. These include sites like Zillow®, Realtor®, Trulia®, Homefinder®, and many, many more. Plus, not only will your New England home be listed on these 90+/- websites, you will be listed on hundreds of other sites. How?


Nearly every real estate brokerage in New England has a website. And nearly every one of them offers the ability to search for available properties (yours included), right from their website. On top of that, 75%+ of all agents and brokers have their own individual websites. Your home will be seen there as well if these agents have a search function built into their website, which many do. This is massive exposure. If you tried to do this yourself (post to hundreds of websites), it would take you weeks, if not months. We do it in 24 hours, and all for free.


So now that you're listed in the REALTOR® owned MLS database, what happens next? A lot will begin to happen if you have intelligently set your ask price  As I'm sure you're heard a thousand times, it's location that sells property. Right? Wrong. Actually, only two things sell a property, that would be an intelligent ask price, and broad exposure. To be technically correct, there are many factors influencing a sale (location, quality, square footage, condition, etc.), but at the core, fundamental level, it's only two things. I don't care how bad a location is, if you price the home low enough it will sell. The only two things that affect a successful home sale are price and massive exposure over the Internet on hundreds of websites. The price has already factored in location, quality, square footage, and condition.




The next feature I'm going to discuss is very important, as it is CRITICAL to your success. Every prospective New England buyer lead that is routed to our firm is sent directly to you. We do not intercept New England buyers. The only way you will know this is true is to take a look at our vast, ever growing list of client testimonials. Better yet, pick one at random, and ask to be put in touch with them.


The forwarding of buyer leads is an incredibly valuable service that simply can not be matched by anyone in the business. All leads, whether coming into our firm via phone, text, email, or chat will immediately be routed to both your text capable cell phone and your email. Certain sites (major sites like Zillow and Trulia) will provide buyers with the ability to directly communicate with us from their site. When the lead comes in, we immediately bounce it over to you for followup.


You can even test the various sites yourself. Go to Zillow or Trulia (for example), once your listing is up and live, and fill out the “I want more information” box. Or, tell a friend, whose email we do not know, and sit back and watch the result. Both your cell phone and email will light up. This is your best chance of connecting with a buyer directly, and bypassing a broker commission of any kind (no listing side sales commission, and no buyer broker side sales commission).


Attention to detail on buyer leads is what sets us head and shoulders above the competition. Never forget, every home sale begins with an inbound buyer lead. This is true of any conventional brokerage, any discount brokerage, any flat fee discount REALTOR®, any flat fee MLS listing brokerage, or any other form of for sale by owner or fsbo house selling method on the market. A successful sale always starts with a buyer lead.


On some sites, especially brokerage or individual agent sites, the whole purpose of these folks putting your listing up on their site is to allow them to participate as buyer brokers in the purchase of your home. No worries. Buyer brokers are your friend, for there is no more important person than the person that can actually bring forth a buyer. Sure, you'll pay the buyer broker 2%, but isn't that a whole lot better than paying 5% to 6%?




We offer our New England Flat Fee MLS seller clients maximum flexibility with their home listing. Provided a home is correctly priced, and because you are seen across hundreds of websites, your chances of successfully placing your home under contract within a month are high. That's a contract, not a closing. A closing will generally take place about six weeks after a contract is fully executed. The days to a contract figure varies of course, depending on your location. In some hot markets of New England, homes go under agreement in hours or days. In remote areas up on the Canadian border in the middle of the wilderness, it obviously takes longer.


Consider signing up for our Level Two Premium listing for a nominal $699, good for 2 full years. You may list, de-list, re-list, as many times as you want over the 2 year period. This listing plan is often useful to those that are just testing the waters, and are not highly motivated sellers...great if they sell on their terms, but in no hurry type sellers.


And for those of you that want us to take care of virtually every detail in their transaction, and still only pay out a maximum of 3% (1% to Landfall Properties, LLC, plus 2% payout to a buyer broker), we offer our Level Three plan. The only service we do not provide is the taking of photographs, and the showing of the property. The average cell phone of today is more than capable of taking fantastic, high resolution photos. And as far as the showing of your home is concerned, we have you covered there as well.


Let me let you in on a little insider information. The vast majority of home buyers do not want to be led by the hand and taken on a tour. They want to talk among themselves in private, out of earshot of both the owner and the real estate broker. Don't get me wrong, buyers want to know an enormous amount of detail about your property, but that can all be provided to them by following our instructions, and posting a comprehensive electronic data folder to the Internet (a DROPBOX® folder will be provided to you free of charge, so that every buyer can just pull the data up on their cell phone). They can look at everything (deed, tax map, assessment card, property disclosure, list of repairs, photographs), virtually anything you can think of.


But we've also solved your home access problem. This is your home, and you are certainly able to be present at each and every showing if you choose to go that route. But let me suggest an alternative method. As a Level Three seller client, we provide you with a free mechanical lockbox. While you can certainly be on site for every showing, we don't recommend it. We do however oversee the showing process very carefully, to ensure your personal safety, and the safeguarding of your personal effects.


When the appointment is scheduled, we recommend you disappear for about a half hour. You will be sent electronic notification on both your cell phone via text message, as well as via email, letting you know when a buyer agent is inside, and when they have departed. You will always know who is accessing your property. Even better, a buyer feedback request is automatically routed to the buyer agent. Once completed by the buyer agent, the feedback information is sent to your email for review so you know what they thought of your property. This automated feedback system helps you gauge buyer interest, which is critical to your success.


In the case of buyer agents, security is generally not an issue, as buyer agents are not going to risk loss of professional real estate license by doing something stupid inside your home. No, they're not going to steal your Hummel collection. By contrast, extreme due diligence is required with buyers not coming in with a buyer broker. In those instances, we personally screen the buyer for authenticity. At a bare minimum, we require a lender pre-qualification letter from their mortgage lender before we even set the appointment. We even contact the mortgage lender and speak directly with the loan officer, so we know for certain we have a bona fide buyer on the line, and not a criminal. We also interview the buyer candidate themselves. Having been in this business for 35 years, our staff can spot a fraud very quickly.




We realize that in this article there has been a lot of material to wade through, but the graphic just above very quickly summarizes precisely what we offer for FREE, $699, and 1%. For a look at frequently asked questions (FAQ), you can look to this link. Since there is always safety in numbers, you are always welcome to review our vast array of satisfied New Hampshire seller clients by simply linking here. 


Finally, as we're sure you're aware, there are a vast array of by owner mls outfits, discount realtors, flat fee listing brokers, for sale by owner and fsbo websites, and mls by owner companies out there. They're all basically the same, although service levels vary widely. But by listing with us, you will get three things you'll not likely get from a competitor. ONE: A Free listing in New England's premier property search database - the REALTOR® owned state specific MLS, and distribution to hundreds of websites; TWOInsider advice that no other brokerage will ever tell you about; THREEUnrivaled customer service, as our long list of clients will tell you.





About Paul Marino

Paul is a 35 year veteran of the residential real estate sector, providing unrivaled buyer and seller services across all of New England. Licensed across five states (CT, MA, ME, NH, and VT). Prior to entering real estate, Captain Marino proudly served 8 years with the USAF (Strategic Air Command), as an Air Navigation Officer, Senior Training Flight Instructor, and Command Post Officer Controller.

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